Time to visit an exotic country. India isn't bad, is it? The country of curry, sacred cows, vivid colours and exotic dances, offers also a peculiar music style: bhangra. Originally from the Punjab region -located in the border between Pakistan and India- it was later developed in Britain by Punjabi (also spelled Panjabi) inmigrants. Rajinder Singh Rai, better known as Panjabi MC, is a British Indian musician very fond of combining bhangra with hip hop. The result, great songs as this Mundian To Bach Ke, performed by a Punjabi artist, Labh Janjua, and later remixed by Panjabi MC with the unmistakable Knight Rider's theme. A worldwide phenomenon by then, played everywhere. I still clearly recall listening to this song in the streets of Istanbul, while in a short trip, and shortly after, again (and again) back in Spain.